Foreign Countries Embassy/High Commission in Bangladesh
If you would like to visit other countries you have to know whose countries embassy or high commission are located in Bangladesh and whose countries are located in India or Pakistan. If you don't find your respective embassy in Bangladesh you must go to India or Pakistan.
Here is given below foreign countries Embassy are present in Bangladesh.
5. Brunei 6. Canada 7. People's Republic of China 8. Denmark
9. Egypt 10. France 11. Germany 12. Holy See
13. India 14. Indonesia 15. Iran 16. Iraq
17. Italy 18. Japan 19. Kuwait 20. Libya
21. Malaysia 22. Maldives 23. Morocco 24. Myanmar
25. Nepal 26. Netherlands 27. North Korea 28. Norway
29. Oman 30. Pakistan 31. Palestine 32. Philippines
33. Qatar 34. Russia 35. Saudi Arabia 36. South Korea
37. Spain 38. Sri Lanka 39. Sweden 40. Switzerland
41. Thailand 42. Turkey 43. United Arab
Emirates 44. United
45. United
States 46. Vietnam
Here is given Non-resident representation
Embassy/High Commission: New Delhi, India
Argentina 2. Azerbaijan 3. Austria 4. Belgium
Bosnia and Herzegovina 6. Cambodia 7. Chile 8. Colombia
Cuba 10. Cyprus 11. Czech Republic 12. Finland
Georgia 14. Greece 15. Guatemala 16. Hungary
Iceland 18. Ireland 19. Lithuania 20. Mauritius
Mexico 22. New Zealand 23. Paraguay 24. Peru
Poland 26. Portugal 27. Romania 28. Serbia
Slovakia 30. Slovenia 31. South Africa 32. Syria
Tanzania 34. Ukraine 35. Uganda 36. Yemen
Here is given Embassy/High Commission: Islamabad, Pakistan:
Algeria 2. Bahrain 3. Jordan 4. Kazakhstan
Lebanon 6. Somalia 7. Sudan 8. Tunisia
For details consultation-Cell: 01791035919
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